bethesda softworks

asset transfer

After years of upkeep and gradual decline, Bethesda Softworks decided to sunset the Bethesda game launcher and online store.

Users who hadn't already migrated to a different platform needed a way to transfer their games, achievements, and virtual currency.

While my team initially explored a multi-platform solution — allowing users to choose where to send their assets — stakeholders decided that Steam was good enough. I also explored individual transfers of each game in a user's library, but Engineering weighed in, preferring a bulk asset transfer.

The solution was a simple two-step process: link your Steam account, then a one-click transfer of assets.

Overall feedback was positive, although some users experienced server issues or account lockouts.


admin notification system

Bethesda moderators were receiving too many notifications to keep up with. The existing growl treatment only showed the most recent notification, which would disappear after a few seconds, potentially hiding urgent alerts. Beyond visibility, notifications weren't actionable, and the relevant category and priority weren't displayed.

Working directly with the moderation team, I landed on a combination of improved growls and a categorized notification center. The latest notification would still pop up in a timely manner, but would also appear in a slide-out panel with product categories, priority indicators, and the ability to clear all.